🎁 MMC’s Newest Features! 🎁

Photo of Megan Drapcho Megan Drapcho

We’ve added some cool new functionality to Mission Met Center over the last few months. Read on for quick summaries and check them out in MMC for yourself. 

Presentation View

Tired of pulling together slides for those upcoming board meetings? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Over the years, users have provided feedback or asked questions about best practices for creating a presentation of their strategic plan, which sparked an idea with our developers – what if you could present your plan directly from MMC? Now it can be done using Presentation View!

Simply select Presentation View in the top tab navigation of your plan to get started. 

Read more about Presentation View.

Timeline View

Thinking big and bold about your organization? Use the timeline to get a bird’s-eye view!

When Timeline View was rolled out, it allowed you to quickly see all of your goals within a specific time frame. We’ve expanded this feature and it now includes action items. Filter the view by showing goals and action items assigned to you or see an organization-wide timeline. 

Read more about Timeline View.


New to strategic planning? Review this free guide to get started!

Mission Met’s START course helps transform nonprofits by providing information about creating and implementing an actionable strategic plan and process. We’ve adapted some of the information from that paid course and turned it into a free, slimmed-down version called START Lite. You can find it in Toolbox.

As a Mission Met Center user, you’ll have lifelong access to START Lite, which gives you strategic planning guidance in the same software you use to document, measure, and update your strategic plan. 

Activity Feed

Get the latest scoop🍦 on what your team is accomplishing!

Your home screen now displays an activity feed. This area summarizes recent updates for your organization and beyond. You’ll see a note when a goal or action item has been completed by someone on your team for your strategic plan. Global updates display how many goals and action items have been completed from all of MMC’s users. It also includes strategic planning news by linking to Mission Met’s recent blog posts.

Visit your home screen.


Some of Mission Met’s team will be presenting at the NonprofIT SummIT in October, a month-long virtual conference that merges two topics we are always excited to talk about: nonprofits and technology. The conference is free, but there are some extra paid options if your team is interested. 

Outside our sessions, there are many excellent speakers on topics ranging from fundraising and marketing to digital strategy and hardware/software upgrades. 

Meet the author

Megan Drapcho

Megan Drapcho

Marketing and Support

« The holidays just got brighter with our new features! Our Metrics App is Growing!📈 »

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Our Metrics App is Growing!📈 image

Our Metrics App is Growing!📈

Photo of Megan Drapcho Megan Drapcho

Mission Met Center has enhanced its Metrics app, introducing the Metric Champion feature, Baselines for comparisons, Delta/Snapshot data entry options, automated Email Reminders for metrics updates, an Edit Measurements function, and improved export/import capabilities, all aimed at emphasizing the importance of regular metrics processing.

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