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Causey’s Latest Updates

Photo of Megan Drapcho Megan Drapcho

At Causey, we’re committed to empowering nonprofits with the tools they need to thrive. Our latest software update introduces new features designed to boost your overall experience in Causey. Whether you’re looking to personalize your plan, gain insights, or simply save time, our new capabilities are here to help you achieve your mission more effectively. Let’s dive into what’s new.

A Few Small (and Helpful) Updates

More and more Causey users are turning to Action Items for project management. You’ve always been able to set a due date for these items and now you can add start dates. This will help set a clear expectation on the complete timeline of a task with team members.

Tired of scrolling through tons of text? We think this option will help. Simply select “Fully Display” when adding or editing a Compass element to truncate the text of this section so you can get to your Focus Areas quickly.

New Filtering Options

New filter options in Section 2 of your plan allow you more options when filtering goals. Select to filter goals by time frame and the options are to see past, current, and future goals, as well as goals with no end date.

You can also select to filter by time since the last goal progress update.

More Options to Customize

We continue to add more customization options in Causey.

The first new option is in Presentation View. You can now download your plan as a PowerPoint so you can customize it the way you’d like. Remember to use the filters to select the information you’d like and Causey will create the presentation for you before you download it for further customization.

The second customization option is for Solid tier members of Causey. You can now create custom fields for numbers and text. This option allows your team to create fields for your plan that are totally unique to your organization.

Learn more about Custom Fields

We’d love to talk with you about Custom Fields if you’re interested in this for your organization (even if your organization is not on Solid tier). Feel free to schedule a quick call for more information.

New Views

Check out Dashboard View, a new view of the plan that allows you to quickly see all of your key metrics and focus area metrics within a specific time frame.

Learn more about Dashboard View

Looking ahead, we’ll soon have a new way to view your plan for when you’re in “get stuff done” mode. This Execution View will help you stay focused by displaying your to-do list. While it’s not quite ready for release just yet, we’re excited and wanted to let you know about it now!

We hope these updates help you throughout your strategic planning process. Whether you’re refreshing your plan or in the midst of executing it, we will keep your organization’s needs in mind when developing new features.

Meet the author

Megan Drapcho

Megan Drapcho

Marketing and Support

« A Mission Met DEIJ Training Series: Inclusive Design 4 Fun Tips for Rocking Your Strategic Plan Execution »

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4 Fun Tips for Rocking Your Strategic Plan Execution

Photo of Ricky Chilcott Ricky Chilcott

A recent article on Mission Met's blog offers practical advice and four key tips on how to make strategic plan execution less intimidating and more manageable.

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