At Mission Met, our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) is demonstrated through ongoing internal workshops that explore integrating DEIJ principles into our work. Our latest workshop focused on recent news and developments in the DEIJ landscape, highlighting their potential impact on our organization’s efforts.
A member of the marketing and communications team led this session reviewing key news stories and court rulings that have shaped the DEIJ landscape over the past year. The discussion covered the changing approach to DEIJ in businesses, higher education, and nonprofits, noting shifts in terminology, legal challenges, and the ongoing complexities of this work.
Key takeaways included:
- Businesses are rebranding DEIJ initiatives to avoid divisiveness, focusing instead on “employee experience” while remaining cautious due to legal and political scrutiny.
- Higher education is adjusting admission practices following the Supreme Court’s decision to end affirmative action, exploring alternatives like socioeconomic status.
- Nonprofits face challenges with diversity and resource constraints, with concerns about the slow progress in creating inclusive environments and addressing rising anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
The workshop sparked a thoughtful discussion among our team about the future of DEIJ efforts at Mission Met. While some expressed concern over the dilution of these initiatives, others emphasized the importance of continuing substantive work, regardless of public recognition. Our commitment to DEIJ remains strong, and we look forward to continuing this important work and sharing our progress with our community.
Read the full article here.